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solid-state drive in Chinese

How to pronounce "solid-state drive""solid-state drive" in a sentence

Translationmobile phoneMobile

  • 固态硬盘


  • Nand chips , which do not lose data when power is turned off , are also used for flash drives that consumers use to store photos , documents , music and other multimedia data as well as the new solid - state drives for pcs
    Nand芯片在断电情况下不会造成数据丢失,同时可用于存储图片、文档、 、音乐和其他多媒体数据的存储卡,以及用于个人电脑的新的电晶体硬盘。
What is the meaning of solid-state drive in Chinese and how to say solid-state drive in Chinese? solid-state drive Chinese meaning, solid-state drive的中文solid-state drive的中文solid-state drive的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.